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by the Chef, Pietro Leemann

Giunti editore


The new frontiers of vegetarian cuisine

The most comprehensive text ever written about vegetarian cooking. From ingredients to how they are transformed, from the basics to culinary techniques, from scientific foundations to the philosophical principles of green cuisine. Recipes drawn from the Joia restaurant and from all over the world for quality, ethical eating, which lay the groundwork for a balanced, healthy, eco-friendly diet.

Joia academy publishing


The pleasure of eating, past and present. The cuisine of villa Suiyuan

In this book, the gastronome and poet, Yuan Mei, reveals the secrets of time-honoured Chinese cuisine. Thanks to his account of the basics and principles of quality cuisine, you will discover the extraordinary gastronomic culture of Ancient China. Pietro Leemann, a passionate sinologist, explains and compares the East and West, broadening the horizons of our food culture.

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