Project Description


Home/The Face of Nature
Inspiration for this comes from Escher, whom I adore. I like the surreal dimension evoked by his compositions. The image of nature is a free inspiration of the “Face”, a picture in which a face unfurls, making us grasp its shape and fragility. Our starting point is autumn tubers, which are the soul of this season. They are cut geometrically to seek force through the rigour of the forms. They are then disarranged and rearranged on a purple-hued sauce brushed onto the dish with a lathe. This is a way of enhancing the importance of tubers, which are usually not highly rated in gourmet cuisine.


If you wish to book a table for more than 6 people, please contact us at the e-mail address or at the telephone number 02 2049244/02 29522124.
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